Instructions Please use this on-line form to apply for personal membership of the Australasian Institute of Emergency Services.
To complete this form you will need the names, email, phone and personal address details of two people who have agreed to be a Referee for you. These two people must have known you for several years and be prepared to attest to your character and background in the Emergency Services.
Please address your application using the drop-down-box to your local Division of the Institute or the Division that represents the area where you live. Please ensure you have submitted a correct email address so we can get back to you.
(Note you may supply extra, relevant information in the general comments text box at the bottom of the application.
(max 2000 characters) - Please email any further information or attachments to the divisional secretary of your state.
(max 2000 characters)
Two persons who have known me for several years and can give evidence of my character and background.
Submitting this form is the same as signing a hard copy. By submitting this form you declare the above particulars to be true and hereby agree to be bound by the Constitution, By-Laws and Code of Ethics of the Institute.